
新作坊 Humanity Innovation and Social Practice

政策視角下的行動對話: 大學與社區在實踐場域的伙伴關係
Debates on Action from a Policy Perspective: University-Community Partnership in Fields of Social Practice

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大學如何善盡社會責任,在人才培育上兼顧在地發展,已成為高等教育趨勢。教育部為求大學推動社會實踐,協助地方發展、扮演地方智庫角色,以善盡其社會責任價值,近年陸續透過大學社會責任實踐計畫(University Social Responsibility, USR)來推動大學社會責任。然而,對多數 USR 實踐團隊而言,要如何從大學過往注重科研導向與課堂教學模式,轉換連結到注重人際網絡與地方脈絡發展的實踐場域,並和場域形成良善伙伴關係,以共同推動社會實踐,進而發揮大學與地方社會影響力,有其實質上的困難。本研究嘗試從計畫協作者及計畫團隊實踐行動者觀點,透過參與式觀察與深度訪談方式,了解大學與場域合作的困難,並釐清大學在實踐場域推動社會責任的難題,並藉由團隊與社區在實踐過程互動回饋,進一步反思大學與社區間協力合作的角色定位與功能,據以提出相關建議,以作為後續大學社會責任推動實踐之參考。


Fulfilling the university social responsibility by doing community engagement and offering practical courses has becomes a global trend in higher education. The Ministry of Education initiates the USR project to facilitate Taiwan’s universities to fulfill social responsibility, contribute to local development, and act as a think tank for local governments. However, for most USR project teams, it is difficult to shift from theory-based and goal-oriented teaching in the classroom to contextualized and process-oriented projects partnered with local communities in fields and tailored to local needs and challenges. This paper aims to explain why it is difficult for universities to collaborate with local communities. I conduct participatory observations and in-depth interviews from the perspectives of a project collaborator in
the USR office and a practitioner in a USR project team for this inquiry. In this paper, the difficulties emerged from university-community engagement are clarified. Moreover, the roles of universities and communities and their functions in university-community engagement are reconsidered according to the interactive feedback obtained from their co-working processes. Finally, this paper provides some suggestions that may be conducive to the promotion and practices for future USR projects.