
新作坊 Humanity Innovation and Social Practice

【徵稿啟事】 2021年 第三屆新實踐暨臺日大學地方連結與社會實踐聯盟國際研討會

 2021 第三屆新實踐暨臺日大學地方連結與社會實踐聯盟國際研討會

2021 International Conference of New Praxis and Taiwan-Japan Alliance of Local Revitalization and Social Practice



Social Practice and Higher Education System: Potential and Resilience








The theme of this year is “Social Practice and Higher Education System: Potential and Resilience”. We would like to invite all participants to revisit the relationship between the universities and local communities by social practices. Universities locate in different areas and shall embed in local society and face local challenges derived from global competition of higher education, the effects of neoliberalism on our economy, public policies, and civil society, etc. Moreover, we also face long-term social issues such as changing demography, ebb and flow of local-industries and civic groups, as well as unpredictable disasters. Universities and local communities are nearby and inseparable to face local challenges while playing different roles in responding to them. By university-community partnership research, we have chance to reorganize and redefine local assets and knowledge and provide them with new meanings or actions corresponding to the current need. Thus, this conference looks forward to discussions including universities as social practitioners; action research; local challenges and responses; teaching practice research; and the team-building and the know-how of cross-disciplinary or cross-community collaboration. We welcome papers based on empirical, theoretical, and critical works from interdisciplinary fields.

Higher education systems are, indeed, deeply rooted in local communities. This interdependence becomes apparent especially during the spread of pandemic. Confronted by the limited resources and time to react to unpredictable crisis, the collective wisdom and the resilience of problem-solving from the bottom-up becomes crucial and necessary. This provides an opportunity for universities and local communities to rethink and redefine their roles in building the resilience of local society and a sustainable life.

Building university-community partnership in responding social problems or unpredictable crisis is a global trend, within which Taiwan and Japan share some similarities. Among them, both governments play a crucial role in encouraging university-community partnership research and social praxis with a vision to cultivate local civil society with resilience to face long-term social problems. Becoming a key agency in local civil society, universities have to transform their original obligation (including academic research, human resource development, and social contributions) into forms that are open to the local communities to participate in and, simultaneously, they have to strengthen the collaborative mechanisms among different disciplines and diverse communities in order to find workable solutions. This is a process-oriented rather than goal-oriented project. Many practitioners learn by trial and error and these experiences are important for people who want to do similar things or have similar concerns. The academic community also needs to think how to translate local or practical knowledge into professional knowledge and how to translate professional knowledge into local understanding. Local contexts do matter but we also believe that there are some shared concerns in building local resilience and sustainable life, which is comparable and can learn from each other. Thus, we also welcome papers from comparative perspectives to provide cross-national or interdisciplinary viewpoints.
















1. community governance: social engagement, participatory governance, etc.

2. social economy: sharing economy, solidarity economy, eco-friendly agriculture, etc.

3. democracy: participatory design, public participation, etc.

4. aging in place: intergenerational housing, long-term care systems, etc.

5. regional rehabilitation: urban renewal, transitional communities, environmental sustainability, etc.

6. cultural practices: issues on indigenous and local communities, etc.

7. international comparison: action research, teaching-as-research, university social responsibility, etc.

8. methodology: university social engagement, field research, participatory observation, etc.

9. policy analysis on regional revitalization

10. design and everyday life.

11. others.









Date: Sep 2nd, 2021.

Venue: Taipei, Taiwan.

Adviser (Sponsor): Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ministry of Science and Technology

Organizer: the HISP office





SUBMISSION DETAILS: There are three submission types.








Abstract submission

The abstract can be Chinese, Japanese or English and should be around 400-500 (max. 500 words) in length, including “research question,” “methods,” and “findings.” Please submit your abstract by email with attached file. When received, you will get a confirmation email. See submission form.

For full paper submission, it must include full details (the title, abstract, three keywords, first name, last name, affiliation, email, and position). Papers should be around 6,000-15,000 words in length while figures, tables and references are not included.

※Please provide full paper before August 10th.



這次會議提供英文海報的投稿,請在投稿摘要中註明 1)論文標題;2)作者姓名、共同作者以及每位作者的連絡資訊;3)簡短摘要。海報內容應包含研究問題、方法、研究成果和結論。請填妥「摘要投稿報名表」寄至大會信箱。大會籌備辦公室收到後將給予確認回函。會場將提供海報展示架,海報請勿超過85cm*150cm(寬*高)。



You may submit English abstracts for a poster session. All poster submissions should include: 1) the title 2) the names, affiliations, and contact information of authors, and 3) a brief abstract. Posters should include research question (research topic), methods, results, and conclusions. Poster boards are provided. The poster should not exceed 85cm*150cm (width*height). Please submit your abstract by email with attached file. When received, you will get a confirmation email. See submission form.


() 自組論壇



Self-Organized Panel

The self-organized panel is welcome. Please fill up the submission form and describe the title and brief introduction of the panel (max. 500 words) and please also provide presenters’ (no more than 4 people) topics and abstracts. Please send the self-organized panel submission form together to the HISP office. When received, you will get a confirmation email.



1. 一律採線上投稿,請將論文摘要寄至:hisp.newpraxis@gmail.com

2. 本次會議手冊會包含發表者之論文摘要;投稿視同同意摘要的紙本印製和公開。全文僅限評論人與該場主持人閱覽。



1. Submission: please send your abstracts by email to hisp.newpraxis@gmail.com.

2. A program book will include presenters’ abstracts. The submission of your abstract will be regarded as your agreement to print it out and share with all participants. However, the full-paper will be only available for your discussant and the panel chair.