
新作坊 Humanity Innovation and Social Practice


Re-Exploration of Labor Value to EntrepreneuringEducation: the Story of Two Laborers from Qianzhen,and New-Caoya Districts

Authors: Shih-Chian Hung, Chih-Yu Lee, Dun-Ou Tsai
Keywords:Qianzhen, and New-Caoya Districts, Labor Value, Entrepreneuring, Gerenal Intellect, Becoming Machine

以「前草」地區的拆船工 B 及抽油工 A 為例,說明他們如何透過勞動看到

自己與他者之間的社會關係,並從這樣的關係中探尋自我認同。主角 B 與 A 並不僅是拆船工或家庭主婦,而是成為能持續創造的拆船神手與創業者。面對前鎮不良的生存條件和環境,透過勞動不僅滿足了溫飽,還包括改善自身生存狀態所作的一切嘗試與實踐;既看到了主體性,也看到了生命的動能。而這一連串地流變,便看見了他們在前鎮從「移居」、過渡、落腳,到起家、「宜居」的過程。

將這樣的勞動價值與精神,放到開創教育下,本文希望提出當前的教育應該是培養像 B 和 A 這樣般具有積極、開創連接的機器學習者,而非被動、等待接受指令的機械學習者。


This article uses the perspectives of Deleuze, and Marx to examine the labors’narrative from local villages, Qianzhen and New-Caoya, in Kaohsiung. We want to point out that they are not just workers who do their work, but a machine can continue to create and generate differences in routine and become a singularity. Such machine is no longer merely repetitive technical operations but can continuously break through existing boundaries and shape their own subjectivity in practice, and also change and reconstruct their own living conditions through labour. It’s a survival activity involves not only physical labor, but also intellectual activity.

Two workers from Qianzhen and New-Caoya, Chen, a shipbreaker in the NewCaoya area, and Jian, an oil pumper, used the example to explain how they can see the social relationship between themselves and the other through labour, and explore self-identity from this context. We point out that Chen and Jian are not just a coolie or housewife, however, facing the poor living conditions and environment they become shipbreaking expertise and entrepreneur. In this process, we see not only subjectivity, but also the energy of life. In this series of changes, we see how they moved, transitioned, and settled in Qianzhen district.

Following such labor value within entrepreneuring education, we initial that the higher education should be to train mechanically learner with positive and pioneering connections like Chen and Jian, rather than mechanistically learner with passive, and waiting to receive instructions.

《中山人文學報》第50期 (2021.1),頁123-145